Today, we all have the ability to shop online from so many sources, and while we have some sense of loyalty to brand, we know that experiencing your uniqueness in style while remaining value-conscious matters most. And since our products are mainly private label brands, it's easy to assure you of the tremendous value our products will provide. Our commitment to you goes far beyond what you pay.

We want to ensure you're going to get the most personalized attention, starting with you being a part of our culture. With over 40 years of combined experience in customer service, our team is ready to take care of your order, each step along the way. This is why we have a customer re-order rate of over 90%!

If you're unhappy with your purchase within 60 days of receiving your item, you'll send it right back to us for a full refund. Remember, shipping is always FREE to you on every order, which will include our internal customer service tracking service with each shipment.

Our team at Kabru extends a huge thanks to you, our family of customers for your trust and loyalty for making our brand a name synonymous with community.

Please join our growing community on Instagram and Facebook.